Consulting Project Execution Legal
Countries in which our team members have realized projects
or where we are currently working on active transactions (among others):
USA, UK, Germany, France, Canada, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Poland, Croatia, Bosnia, Egypt, China, Nigeria, Namibia, Angola, Cameroon, Kyrgyzstan, Bulgaria, Greece, Luxembourg.
We design the level of our services - and the remuneration for our work - to match each case individually. In most cases, we are seen as much as early stage stakeholders as advisers.
Normally, we charge a small retainer to ensure basic cost cover and for the principal to demonstrate commitment. Our main remuneration then lies in the success fee which can either be fee based and/or consist of a stake in the project. The two components will be weighted to reflect ability and commitment of the principal, amount of work, as well as external risks related to the operating environment, market or any third party partners of the principal. Clients may even sometimes simply present us with, or ask us to assist in the creation of, a discrete asset (e.g., a power purchase contract, a concession or a land allocation) and ask us to find a technical partner and create a viable and successful project from the asset.
In other cases the fee may simply consist of a market based retainer coupled with an end of period fee or success fee.