Consulting Project Execution Legal
We can build on experience in hundreds of transactions over more than two decades.
In many cases having led project teams and worked on ground breaking projects.
Selected projects include:
first subordinated notes issued by major European manufacturers and financial institutions in the US markets
first large securitization and monetization of real estate assets of large corporates
asset securitization and asset backed financing
initial public offerings and M&A
aircraft and project financing of high profile assets
management and compliance with investment companies law
creation and securitization of power generation and transmission assets
creation of web-based b2b, online power distribution markets and credit default mechanisms
consumer financing in emerging markets
municipal finance schemes and first large scale (600 million USD) municipal bonds following the opening of the CIS
risk management and compliance structures
We have over the years worked with many of the world's most innovative professional teams and most leading banks, corporations, international financial institutions, consultancies and many governments and administrations.